Translation agency Vertolk - reliability and confidentiality

Translator and interpretor Marina Chazina

Fully bilingual

Fully bilingual, a Russian and Dutch university education

Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding of Dutch and Russian culture, traditions and business contact norms

Accuracy and enthusiasm

Clear planning, Dutch accuracy, Russian enthusiasm

Sworn interpreter

Registered at the Office of Sworn Interpreters and Translators (Bureau btv)

vertaler Marina Chazina

Much experience

Interpreter/translator with more than 30 years of experience. Business and private translations

Deadlines and planning

Translations are always ready for the agreed deadline; delays and late return are impossible

Clear prices

Clear prices, standard prices, no surprises after translations

Guaranteed confidentiality

Guaranteed confidentiality, your data is well protected

Legend Joomla template comes with very nice template profiles built with different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the template administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items.Legend Joomla template comes with very nice template profiles built with different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the template administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items.Legend Joomla template comes with very nice template profiles built with different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the template administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items.
Legend Joomla template comes with very nice template profiles built with different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the template administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items.